What does “Primal Prey” mean?

Like the name indicates, we are talking about animal-like behavior when it comes to “Primal Prey” in BDSM. A prey that is hunted, caught, overwhelmed and conquered by a predator. A Primal Prey does not want to rationally controlled. Rather, it is about being overpowered.

Being primal involves fighting and animalistic tendencies. Instead of maintaining civilized manners, a Primal Prey acts according to their own instincts. Biting, scratching, hair pulling, and all manner of punching and kicking can be used by cornered prey. In playing with instincts, however, the participants are fully aware of the idea of returning to the original forms of desire.

Sexual intercourse then often takes the form of a mating ritual. The hunted person is subjugated by the person hunting and is therefore the recipient and object of raw desire and pleasure. The original game has no special rules and can be very unpredictable. The prey will continue to fight until it is defeated and driven into submission. This type of game is the kick for Primal Predator and Primal Prey.

What roles is this related to?

The roles of Brats and some Pets can be described as similar. In general, a Sub who enjoys being overwhelmed can also play this game without any problems.

Who matches?

The Primal Predator is the appropriate counterpart. But there are also people who play the game without committing to a dominant or submissive status, so-called Primals. You can also probably find your match at a Brat Tamer. People who like to control or tie up, such as Riggers or Rope Tops, are also suitable. There is even a separate category of rope fighting and catching with rope is also a separate type of game. Any other Top and Dom who enjoys physical dominance or conquest can also have parallels to the Primal Predator role.

How do I know if I’m a Primal Prey?

Do you enjoy raw, animalistic sex? Do you love it when your partner submits you, bites you, grabs you, does whatever he or she wants with you? If your partner makes “primal noises”, i.e. an animal-like background noise such as grumbling, growling or hissing, does that turn you on? Do you enjoy things like friendly tussles or bickering?

If you find it exciting to say goodbye to rules and social constructs while playing, to enjoy the escape from the roles and responsibilities of everyday life, then you could find yourself in this primal role.

As Primal Prey it is important that…

Trust is a key element in this type of sexual experience. Players should communicate their wishes and limits before the session and then be sure to discuss what worked for them and what didn’t during the game. Despite all primal instincts and lack of commitment, always pay attention to the framework of consensual agreement! Both hunter and prey must agree to the potentially harsh nature of the primal game.

Bruises and scratches are likely to occur, but taking a few steps can help you avoid more serious injuries. It’s best to warm up before a session. If necessary, you can even prepare the floor with mats. It’s best to tie long hair away, and you can wear knee pads or tight-fitting protectors to prevent joint injuries. If things get really wild, you can also consider a ball cup or jockstrap. It’s best to wear clothing you’re not attached to.

The game can be very impulsive. Even if the original play often involves grunting and growling instead of clear speech, a safeword or other signals should be agreed upon.

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