What defines a Mommy or Daddy?

A Mommy or Daddy is a person who takes on a parental, caring role within a relationship dynamic and within the context of ageplay. Gender-neutrally, this person is referred to as a “Caregiver”. That reveals a lot about the role of Mommies or Daddies and their tasks.

As a Caregiver, the person takes on a very responsible role: you look after your “Little”, give him or her the necessary attention and often look after the other person around the clock. In the position of Mommy or Daddy you can face a wide variety of tasks. This range of tasks can range from blaming and praising to cooking food and dressing to personal hygiene such as changing diapers and brushing teeth.

What is characteristic of this role is that the Mommy’s or Daddy’s zone of control can extend far beyond the sexual. Often a kind of 24/7 relationship develops, whereby caring for the Little one is necessary at all times in every life situation.

What appeals to Mommies and Daddies about this type of role-play is the extreme power dynamic, which can extend beyond the sessions into everyday life and must be treated with caution. The Mommies or Daddies are often of the utmost importance to their Littles, who would be helpless without them.

Which roles are similar?

Mommies and Daddies are characterized as dominant or authoritative figures and can be categorized as Tops or Doms. However, their way of exercising power is significantly different from the stereotypical images of Tops, Doms, or Masters/Mistresses, as caregiving plays a much more central role. In Caregiver-Little relationships that incorporate physical discipline, sadists can also be found in the Mommy or Daddy role.

Which roles match with a Mommy or Daddy?

Baby Girls and Baby Boys, which are subtypes of Subs or Bottoms, as well as Littles and Middles, are ideal matches for a Mommy or Daddy. These individuals often assign themselves to a certain age, such as a young child or a school-aged child, and behave accordingly. This self-assigned age influences the responsibilities and tasks of the Caregiver person.

How do I know if I’m a Mommy or a Daddy?

The clear desire to care for someone or to be there often indicates a predisposition towards being a caregiver. If you care for someone and want to exercise a responsible form of control, you fit well into the role of Mommy or Daddy. But you have to be able to take your role as a role model seriously and be up to the great responsibility that comes your way.

As a Mommy or Daddy it is important that…

…you are definitely aware of your responsible role. You must neither exploit nor neglect your position, because Littles are often weak and fragile in their role and require extremely careful action. Sometimes littles reject their sexuality completely; of course, you have to take such wishes seriously and respect them. If you trust yourself with this great responsibility, then nothing will stand in your way as a Mommy or Daddy.

Don’t let kink shaming unsettle you. Ageplay, in particular, often faces a lot of misunderstanding, as people sometimes wrongly assume it involves the sexualization of children. This misconception can come from within the BDSM community as well as from potential partners. Explain to people calmly why you enjoy what you do, what feelings it evokes in you, and how it allows you to express your nurturing aspects. Most importantly, emphasize that your preferences don’t affect others. Remember, “your kink is not my kink, but your kink is okay!


This is an important difference to the so-called daddy kink, a kind of trend from the USA. One of the best-known forms of the caregiver-little game, CGL for short, is the constellation of Daddy Dom and Little Girl, DDLG for short or, to clarify the two statuses of top and bottom, often spelled DD/lg. This type of play has found its way into the mainstream via social media as daddy kink and keeps popping up as a fuzzy term. Sexy role-play, a là older, caring man meets young, vulnerable girl, is thus immediately labeled as daddy kink. These role-playing games may also have their appeal in the vanilla version, but without the element of a clear power dynamic and without a clearly defined framework, they are a rather long way from a real daddy kink.

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